private yoga on nantucket


If you have reached this page, chances are you are looking to book private yoga on Nantucket. I have been the owner and operator of Nantucket Yoga since 2013 and this Summer is my 10th year in business!

I teach individual and group privates helping people foster strength, awareness and clarity. Booking a single private or a series of privates couldn’t be easier! You can book your private session by emailing me the date you are looking to practice OR you can book your own private using my LIVE CALENDAR, no deposit required.

Once you have emailed or booked, you will receive another email from me to confirm and finalize dates. NOTE: if you don’t get a personal email following up, your appointment isn’t confirmed.

I have mats, blocks and straps for up to 25 people.

Thanks again for visiting my website + I look forward to working with you.